Friday, September 4, 2009


First of all, Let's get something straight, I AM NOT A BLOGGER.
I've noticed every blog I've read lately is written by other non-bloggers.
This of course makes sense because I am a not a blog reader.
So natuarally someone who does not read blogs would only find themselves reading blogs wrtitten by people who are not actually bloggers.
So although, I'm writing a blog and you are reading my blog, let it be known that, although I am blogging, I am NOT A BLOGGER.

The Paragraph above is not an introduction, it is a disclaimer.
Because I am not blogger I CANNOT Gaurantee the content of this blog will be: USEFUL, FUNNY, USE PROPER GRAMMER OR PUNCUATION, OR INTEREST YOU IN ANYWAY.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get to it.
I've decided to start a blog because my life is so interesting and my thoughts are so full of Wisdom and Prophecy that I feel it is selfish to not share them with the world. (sarcasm)
So I'm going to go ahead of give this blog thing a shot.

I started a new job recently bringing my starbucks career to an end after almost six years.
I work at Shelter Benefits. I love the people I work with and I'm really getting the hang of the job.
Sean and I have been married for almost a year now! It's kind of hard to believe but really excited to be coming to a huge milestone in our life.
It's been a fun, crazy, challenging, wonderful year of growth for us filled with lots of laughter, tears, sheet rock dust, and more frozen pizzas than any two people should ever consume in their lifetime.
We don't have any pets except for my estranged puppy/daughter Stella who is the ugliest most lovable little orphan dog I have ever had to give up (to my mom, who loves her ;)
But I want a big gaurd dog, actually two....I want two dobermans. First I Want a red female doberman that I will name Ruby and Then I we will get a Black doberman, that we will call Bruce for short. His name will be Bruce Wayne.
In january of this year, sean and I started visiting centerpoint church in lakeland and never left.
We love the people at centerpoint and are we are happy to have found a church home were we are spiritually fed and are able to fellowship with other believers who are earnestly seeking to grow their relationship with the Lord.
God has been growing each of us individually and as a couple. I will write more about that later but now i must go pack, so we can get going to the lake to enjoy this long weekend. (labor day)


  1. super cute!!!
    i can't wait to read all your super fun posts.

    have a fab weekend... i miss you dearly friend!

  2. For not being a blogger, you did very well your first blog post :) Miles votes for Ruby to be a cute white maltipoo with red on her ears and for Bruce to be a yorkie smaller than him ;)
